Monday, April 23, 2012

Amazing Results with Moo Poo Tea

Have you ever felt like you're on the brink of discovering something great, but you can't quite put the pieces together?  Well, that was me a few weeks ago.  For months I've seen other gardeners on Twitter use the hashtag #moopootea and I've seen the phrase #AuthenticHavenBrand tossed about on Pinterest, but it wasn't until just recently that I put the pieces together.

Why I didn't just ask what moo poo tea is on Twitter I'll never know, but I finally did ask Annie on Pinterest!  5 minutes later I had the information I needed and had placed an order which arrived with lightning speed a couple of days later.

Let me introduce you to Annie Haven, of the Authentic Haven Brand!  Here's what I know about her.

1. Annie is local, she is in San Juan Capistrano, which is about 45 minutes South of where I live, and I REALLY love buying local products.  So, she should also be prepared for a visit from me someday! Once I move from friend online to in real life!  I would love to sit and have coffee with her and just chat about our love for growing things!

2.  Her family has been around in the agricultural / livestock biz since 1924, another HUGE plus.

3. Her Twitter handle is @GreenSoil and she is totally rocking the social media world, lots of value add information flows from her social media accounts, which I big pink {fluffy} HEART!

3.  She sells seashells down by the seashore.  Just kidding, but that was the thought in my head so I typed it out.  Annie sells 'tea' bags full of dried out nutrient rich cow poo (or alfalfa or horse poo).

Photo from:

4.  These magical little bags are soaked in water and turn into 5-20 gallons of nutrient rich fertilizer for your gardens. The website calls it a natural soil conditioner, I call it magic!

5. It works! I have planted elephant garlic for years.  The same bulb of garlic which was gifted to me by a farmer has been grown successfully and given out to others to grow for about 5 years.  So I know based on experience how well this grows, how long it takes and what to expect.

I did a little experiment where I soaked the garlic cloves in the moo poo tea overnight before I planted them and WOWSA, they skyrocketed out of the earth so fast (in just 4 days, usually it is about 10 days or so before I notice any significant foliage) the bulbs are pushing above the soil and the little garlic paper skin is skewered through one of the rising foliage arms.   I expect these garlic heads to be big and beautiful!

This was a very pleasant suprise indeed.  I usually plant garlic and onions on the perimeter and amongst my vegetable plantings.  To ensure I don't disturb them when planting crops around, I start them in the ground and then wait until I can see their green shoots coming up so I know where I shouldn't dig anymore.  I also use old mini blind slats to mark where I've planted them in a row so I don't step on them, etc.  These garlic sprouted so fast that I am able to plant these new beds much sooner than expected!

THANK YOU ANNIE for all you do!

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