Saturday, November 26, 2011

Homesteading Classes for 2012

Just finished planning all of the wonderful homesteading classes I will be offering in the first half of 2012!

Check out this line-up! I'll be teaching all of these classes over at The Dragonfly Shops & Gardens and the schedule will be out soon!  Is there another type of homesteading class you all are interested in?  Let me know in the comments and I can add more classes!  {I'm thinking of adding a square foot gardening course, perhaps cheese making, drying herbs and flowers, seed saving, plant identification and more...but since this is my hobby and not my day job, I have to think carefully about what I can actually fit in my schedule!}

Urban Chicken Keeping-Introduction

If you’ve been thinking of getting your own flock of chickens, then this is the perfect class for you.  In this hands-on course you will learn all about keeping chickens in an urban environment.  Join OC’s ‘Garden Jen’ as she helps you learn the techniques you need to care for chickens, keep them happy, safe, warm, fed, and most of all producing eggs!   You’ll walk away confident in your knowledge in how to become a food producer, know exactly where your fresh eggs come from, create fertilizer for your yard and garden and more!  Come make new friends and see how entertaining and rewarding keeping chickens can be.  Class Fee: $20.00  Materials Fee: $0.00
Class Length: 1 hour

Urban Chicken Keeping-Intermediate

Learn how to handle broody hens, clip wings, how to address feather picking and other common problems affecting egg production and more.  Join OC’s ‘Garden Jen’ in the garden for this informative and hands-on course. Pre-Requisite:  Must have taken Urban Chicken Keeping-Intro class or currently have an urban flock. Class Fee: $20.00  Materials Fee: $0.00
Class Length: 1 hour

Canning Basics

Water Bath Canning techniques, recipes and more.  In this Class we will demonstrate and each student will practice the techniques for canning and preserving home-made jams and jellies, tomatoes and pickling.  This is a perfect companion class to the Seed Starting and Heirloom Tomato Courses.  Learn how to preserve the harvest with a focus on food safety! Class Fee: $20.00  Materials Fee: $5.00
Class Length: 1.5  hours

Lasagna Gardening

Want more vegetable or flower beds but don’t want to break your back getting there? In this hands-on course, students will learn how to build new vegetable beds without digging, bending and stooping! No-Digging, No-Tilling and No-Weeding! This non-traditional technique works wonderfully well in our mild Orange County climate.  We’ll use easily sourced local materials that are free!  If it sounds too good to be true, you’ll love this class!  Please put on your grubbies! Class Fee: $20.00  Materials Fee: $0.00
Class Length: 1 hour

Seed Starting-Spring Crops

Seed Starting Class with OC's Garden Jen Have you always wanted to grow your own food but you don’t know where to start? Not sure about what to do with those packets of seeds you pass by in the store? Want to start a Victory Garden this year? This 1 hour class will focus on planting for food production, enabling you to start your very own Victory Garden! Jen will teach techniques for seed starting utilizing various mediums, from rolling up our own newspaper pots to starting seeds in eggshells. You’ll learn the best techniques for starting various seed types and how to transplant seedlings into the garden. Best of all, every participant in the class will walk away with their arms full of seeds to nurture! Enough plants to feed a family of 4 and have plenty to can or share! So put on your grubbies and come prepared to get ‘Diggy’ with it. All Seeds, Pots, Sterile Potting Mix and related materials are included in the materials fee Please bring an old tray or cardboard box to transplant your seedlings home if you have one (an old cookie sheet is perfect.) Note: This class is ideal for folks 5 - 105 years old. No green thumbs required! Class Fee: $10.00  Materials Fee: $10.00
Class Length: 1 hour

Seed Starting-Summer Crops

Seed Starting Class with OC's Garden Jen Have you always wanted to grow your own food but you don’t know where to start? Not sure about what to do with those packets of seeds you pass by in the store? Want to start a Victory Garden this year? This 1 hour class will focus on planting for food production, enabling you to start your very own Victory Garden! Jen will teach techniques for seed starting utilizing various mediums, from rolling up our own newspaper pots to starting seeds in eggshells. You’ll learn the best techniques for starting various seed types and how to transplant seedlings into the garden. Best of all, every participant in the class will walk away with their arms full of seeds to nurture! Enough plants to feed a family of 4 and have plenty to can or share! So put on your grubbies and come prepared to get ‘Diggy’ with it. All Seeds, Pots, Sterile Potting Mix and related materials are included in the materials fee Please bring an old tray or cardboard box to transplant your seedlings home if you have one (an old cookie sheet is perfect.) Note: This class is ideal for folks 5 - 105 years old. No green thumbs required! Class Fee: $10.00  Materials Fee: $10.00
Class Length: 1 hour

Seed Savers Exchange

Calling all Seed Savers!!!!! Want to participate in a fun and informative seed exchange with some of the local gardeners?  This event is for you!  Come on down to The Dragonfly Shops & Gardens with seeds you have collected for a good old-fashioned seed saving exchange!  Envelopes and labels will be provided!  Non-hybrid, Non-GMO seeds and Heirloom Seeds are perfect for exchanging. The more the merrier for this class! Class Fee: $0.00 Materials Fee: $2.50 per person
Class Length: 1 hour

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally signing up! I want to do the canning basics and the spring seed crops! So much fun and it totally makes me wish for spring more than anything now!

    How do I sign up??
