Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fun with Yarn-Yarn Bombing the Orange Public Library and History Center

We've been planning in secret for months, gathering the knitting, the people, the ideas, the dates and the times and last night was THE NIGHT! Yep, it's true, we yarn bombed the Orange Public Library and History Center!

For those of you who know me, you know I totally love to craft, garden and I'm interested in about a bamizzilion things...knitting however I had never learned.  My education went only as far as single chain crochet.

Well, thanks to Cynthia Shaffer and Libby Williamson I learned!  My contribution was only about 4 lines of knitting, but I loved it! I can't wait to do some more knitting, it was incredible!  Here are a few pics, I'll do another post in a few days once I've gathered the pictures from Cynthia who is a professional photographer as well as blogger, author, knitter, crafter, artist extraordinaire!

Organizing and threading the plastic needles with yarn to whipstick pieces together.

Laying out the pieces, we laid down masking tape to size out everything on the sidewalk first to the right measurements.  We found that yarn is VERY stretchy so we had leftover pieces, (can anyone say Yarn Bomb Take 2!)

Working quickly, Libby Williamson of Blue Denim Design, is whipping pieces together.  I was glad I brought my garden kneelers...

Holding the pieces around the item with hair clips worked great while we stitched.

The entire knitting group from Fabric Land has been knitting for months!!! THANK YOU LADIES, did you know you're now all considered street artists?  LOL!

Here is Cynthia Shaffer getting ready to add a pom pom to the top of the poles.  I made them from old stained t-shirts, that I had then made into necklaces, which then morphed a few months later into pom-poms!  Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle, right!

I think the pom-poms were just uber-cute!

We all couldn't resist rubbing our hands along the yarn, it was very tactile with all of the different types of yarn and techniques used.

More work in progress.

Happy Shiny faces!

A couple of finished poles.

The group! THANKS girls!

This is the bell tower that we put Laurie Crutchfield's work on in memorial.

Laying out the banner that went over the entrance.  Cynthia stitched it together with cute polka-dots and made it in sections, we're (fingers-crossed) hoping the library can keep this piece and use it on display inside the library eventually.

These are the cozies for the arms on each of the exterior benches going around the historic fountain.

After we had arranged to plan the yarn bombing, the knitting community was hit with the tragic death of one of their own, Laurie Crutchfield…When I heard the story, I just knew there was something more that this yarn bombing would become.  Laurie Crutchfield was a 25 year veteran of the OC Crime Lab and helped put killers in prison with her acclaimed forensic work.

Cynthia Shaffer met Laurie Crutchfield when both were volunteers at St. Paul’s Lutheran Elementary school where their children attended. They immediately started talking about crafts…all crafts… and in no time found out that they had lots in common. They stayed in touch for a few months and Cynthia even transported some of Laurie's art down to Stampington, the publisher Cynthia was working freelance for at the time.  Laurie was thrilled to learn that 2 or 3 of her art purses where going to be published in the up-coming issue of Haute Handbags. As their kids moved on and enrolled in different schools, they lost contact.  Cynthia noticed that Laurie had purchased her recent book and was thrilled to see her old friend’s name. Imagine Cynthia’s surprise when just a few weeks later, just after we decided to do the yarn bombing event, she received a call from a mutual friend, informing her of Laurie’s sudden death. It was so shocking to everyone in the community, but Laurie had left behind a daughter, Kelci Anne Crutchfield,  who invited Cynthia to a private sale of her mother’s crafty items. Cynthia, knowing that she had the yarn bombing event in the near future, scooped up Laurie’s yarn and distributed it among all the knitters’ friends. So … probably 75% of all the knitted pieces that were used at the yarn bombing were knitted from yarn that once belonged to Laurie. As we were rummaging through her yarn we came across a small piece that she had started and we are featuring that piece at the Orange Public Library.
Kelci Anne Crutchfield was invited to join us to see what be beautiful works of art have been created out of her mother’s yarn.  We hope that this help’s Kelci on her journey towards healing after her mothers’ sudden passing.“

For people interested in contributing to the Kelci Anne Crutchfield Memorial College fund:
Please make donations directly to Chase Bank Account # 988297941 in Kelci's name.
Other Links:

Elite Social Management
Cynthia Shaffer, Crescendoh
Fabric Land
Dragonfly Shops and Gardens – Beth Davidson

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